School Programme
07:15 - 12:15 / 12:30
Aftercare Option 2
07:15 - 17:00
Aftercare Option 1
07:15 - 14:15

A predictable routine gives children a sense of security. The use of our pictograms will show the children the flow of activities. We will be running an inquiry based programme using the HEI Toolkit Curriculum adding to it local South African knowledge and diversity that represents our own unique culture and lifestyle. The HEI Toolkit Curriculum is designed to provide progressive early education from Finland, which is reputed to be the best in the world. Incorporated into our Programme are some of the most researched and successful pedagogical educational models including those of Vygotsky, Piaget, Reggio Emilio and Montessori.
Our daily programmes will be relevant to each group. We believe in using each teachable moment within a predictable routine.

12:15 Home Time for Exciting Explorers.
12:30 Home Time for Lovable Learners
Treasured Tots Home Time can be arranged according to their individual schedule.
13:00 Lunch will be served followed by a quiet rest time.
Our Aftercare Programme encourages children directed activity and relaxation. We will start with our Afternoon Greeting Ring followed by free outdoor activities, tea time and ending with a story.
14:15 Home Time for Aftercare Option 1
17:00 Home Time for Aftercare Option 2

07:15 School opens and the children will engage in free play activities and settle in for their day. We call this Magical Morning Moments.
08:15 at the latest, we ask you to drop your child by so that they have time to settle down before our Morning Greeting Ring at 08:30.
Our Morning Programme will include carefully planned activities to encourage our play based model as well as some teacher directed activities. There will be an outdoor playtime where provocations are set up in the garden for the children to explore. We end our morning programme with Story & Question Time.
This programme will focus on emotion and physical wellbeing while laying the important foundations for learning. The children will engage in numerous sensory based activities and have time to explore and develop their gross motor skills. They will enjoy musical activities such as singing and exploring sounds.
Class size capped at 12
Teacher & Assistant

( 6 - 18 MONTHS )

( 18 MONTHS - 3 YEARS )
This programme will focus on providing a sensory rich environment. Through the many hands on activities children will be learning to socialize, interact with their peers and explore the world around them through our play based teaching method. The focus will be on building a solid foundation for future learning by encouraging curiosity, the use of their imagination, asking questions and expressing an opinion as they learn about the world around them.
Class size capped at 20
Teacher & Assistant

( 4 - 5 YEARS )
In this programme, the children will be given ample opportunities to take responsibility and make sensible choices. They will be encouraged to cooperate and work within their groups. Mathematical and Linguistic thinking will be developed through carefully planned and appropriate learning experiences.
Class size capped at 20
Teacher & Assistant

We follow the Government school calendar consisting of 4 terms.

We are open from 07.15 - 17.00

An exciting Holiday Club is available at a nominal cost.